Other Projects
The Americas
Colombia. SIBEN Targeting Survey (2022)
Suriname Survey of Living Conditions – SSLC (2021)
COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 2). 22 countries (2021)
Honduras Survey of Childcare Demand (2021)
Honduras. Phone version of the Encuesta Permanente de Hogares (2020)
Jamaica. Evaluation of the Sample Design of the Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (2020)
Honduras National Household Income and Expenditutre Survey (2020)
The Bahamas. Governance Review of the Labor Force Statistical Framework (2019)
Ecuador sociodemographic and labor force survey for population in human mobility – EPEC (2019)
Jamaica Survey on Entrepreneurial Skills – Impact Evaluation (2018)
Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia. Impact evaluation of “Spoon” project (2017)
Nicaragua. Impact evaluation MEFCCA (program 2017)
Panama. Registry of Beneficiaries of Social Programs (2017)
Panama. Impact evaluation of “Programa de apoyo comunitario & NUTRIVIDAS” (2017)
Mexico. Impact evaluation of API program at CONAFE (2016)
Panama. Development and implementation of the “Social Protection Form” – FUPS (2016)
Bolivia. Quality assessment of annual household survey (2015)
Guatemala Living Condition Survey (2015)
Nicaragua National Survey Measurement of Poverty (2015)
Panama. Impact Evaluation of “Red de Oportunidades” (2015)
Peru. Impact Evaluation Workshop in Latin America (2015)
Mexico Survey to evaluate the impact of ecological housing (2015)
Ecuador Living Conditions Survey (2014)
USA. Workshop on sampling and household survey methods (2014)
USA, Berkeley. International workshop on Impact Evaluation (2014)
Mexico. Survey evaluation of rural water system (2014)
Bolivia. Impact evaluation of the Child Development Centers program (2014)
Bolivia. Impact Evaluation of Early Childhood Development program (2014)
Chile. International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Evaluation (2013)
Honduras. Impact evaluation of “Bono 10000” program (2013)
Bolivia. “Bono Juana Azurduy & Desnutrición Cero†impact evaluation (2013)
Argentina. Plan Nacer Program impact evaluation (2012)
Haiti School Survey (2012)
Peru. Water Sanitation Program impact evaluation (2008)
Guatemala. Migration Survey in Huehuetenango (2007)
SQAF Reference Guide for Survey Managers (2007)
30 countries. MECOVI workshops on household survey methods for Latin America and the Caribbean (2006)
St Kitts & Nevis, Grenada, St Vincent & the Grenadines, Dominica. Course on Sampling for Household Surveys (2006)
Ecuador Survey of Living Conditions (2005)
Honduras Household Budget Survey (2000)
Peru SISVAN Project (1997)
Chile. Assessment of the National Blood Donation System (1997)
Mexico. Headway educational program undergoes further finetuning (1995)
Chile. DISAL – Diagnostic of Health Situation (1993)
Peru National Food Consumption Survey (1993)
Jamaica Living Standards Measurement Study (1989)
Brazil National Food Consumption Survey (ENDEF) (1976)
Brazil Food consumption survey (1975)
Central & Southern Africa
Mauritius Survey of Living Conditions (2019)
Rwanda. PBC project impact evaluation (2008)
Niger. Enquête Nationale sur les Budgets et la Consommation des Ménages (2008)
Zambia. Public Expenditure Tracking and Service Delivery Survey in Education (2007)
SQAF Reference Guide for Survey Managers (2007)
Namibia. Okambilimbili Survey on HIV prevalence and prevention (2006)
Ethiopia. Assessment of Household Surveys (2006)
Senegal and another 7 francophone countries. Training on sampling Techniques for Household Surveys (2006)
Swaziland School Survey (2005)
Madagascar. Enquête auprès des Ménages (2004)
Ivory Coast. Information System for Ministry of Education (2004)
Cameroon. Identification of population groups at nutritional risk and follow-up strategy (1997)
Togo. Data management of the Togo Household Survey (1996)
Tanzania Living Standards Measurement Study (1990)
Guinea Living Standards Measurement Study (1990)
Ghana Cocoa Board Survey (1987)
Ivory Coast Living Standards Survey (1986)
Ghana Living Standards Survey (1978)
Ivory Coast School Survey (2000)
Middle East & North Africa
Afghanistan Welfare Monitoring Survey (2022)
Iraq Household Socio-Economic Survey – IHSES III (2021)
Living Standards under conflict in Yemen (2019)
Survey on Afghan migrants in Pakistan (2019)
Iraq Survey of Well-being via Instant and Frequent Tracking – SWIFT (2017)
Guinea School Survey (2017)
Lebanon, Syria, and Iraqi Kurdistan. Survey on the living conditions of Syrian refugees and host population (2016)
USA. Workshop on sampling and household survey methods (2014)
Yemen Household Budget Survey (2014)
Egypt. Advice on Data Management for the Household Budget Survey (2014)
Iraq Household Expenditure Survey (2012)
Tunisia. Enquête en milieu urbain et la jeunesse (2011)
Methodological Review of the Algeria Household Budget Survey (2009)
SQAF Reference Guide for Survey Managers (2007)
Yemen Household Budget Survey (2006)
Morocco Living Standards Survey (2004)
Iran. Proposal of a Household Living Standards Survey (1998)
Vietnam Living Standards Measurement Study (1997)
Tunisia Household Budget Survey (1979)
Egypt Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2012)
Tonga Rapid Phone Survey (2022)
Pacific Labor Mobility Survey. Australia, New Zealand & Pacific Islands (2021)
Vanuatu High-Frequency Phone Survey (2022)
Solomon Islands High-Frequency Phone Survey (2022)
Bangladesh Continuous Labor Force Survey (2020)
Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2020)
Nepal Living Standards Survey IV (2019)
Survey on Afghan migrants in Pakistan (2019)
Survey on Rohingya refugees settled in Cox’s Bazaar, Bangladesh (2019)
Nepal Living Standards Survey III (2010)
Indonesia. Assessment of the Susenas and Sukarnas surveys (2008)
Russia. Assessment of the Tatarstan Household Budget Survey (2008)
Pakistan. Impact of the earthquake in Kashmir (2008)
Mongolia Household Socio-Economic Survey (2007)
Timor Leste Survey of Living Conditions (2007)
SQAF Reference Guide for Survey Managers (2007)
Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2005)
India. Living Standards Survey in Bangalore (2005)
Cambodia Household Socio-Economic Survey (2004)
Pakistan Rural Household Survey (2004)
India. Survey of Living Conditions in Uttar Pradesh (2001)
Sri Lanka Survey of Living Conditions (2001)
Timor Leste Survey of Living Conditions (2001)
Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey (2000)
French Polynesia Household Budget Survey (1999)
India. Assessment of Household Surveys (1996)
Bangladesh Household Income and Expenditure Survey (1995)
Vietnam Living Standards Measurement Study (1992)
Pakistan Living Standards Measurement Study (1990)
China Food Consumption Survey (1983)
Kazakhstan Household Budget Survey (2010)
Timor Leste Survey of Living Conditions (2010)
The public sector as an employer in Bosnia (2019)
United Kingdom. Course on Sampling for Household Surveys (2016)
French Polynesia Household Budget Survey (2016)
United Kingdom. Course on Sampling for Household Surveys (2015)
USA. Workshop on sampling and household survey methods (2014)
Georgia Living Standards Survey (2010)
SQAF Reference Guide for Survey Managers (2007)
Croatia Household Budget Survey (2005)
Bulgaria Living Standards Survey (2003)
French Polynesia Household Budget Survey (1999)
Moldova Living Standards Measurement Study (1996)
Lithuania Living Standards Measurement Study (1994)
Romania Household Budget Survey (1994)
Bulgaria Living Standards Measurement Study (1992)
France. Public opinion survey on fast-breading nuclear reactors (1976)
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