Multi-Topic Surveys Distance Learning Course
Year: 2012
Subject: Capacity Building & Training
Client: World Bank
In 2012 Sistemas Integrales developed for the World Bank a distance learning course aimed at staff of statistical institutes and other organizations that conduct household surveys.
Known as the Multi-Topic Surveys Distance Learning Course, the overarching framework is that of Total Survey Quality: the integration of sampling design, instrument design, fieldwork and data management, to produce reliable and timely data.
- Available in English and Russian, the course begins with a general introduction and overview which is followed by six interactive modules on the topics of: questionnaire design, sampling, fieldwork and data entry, archiving, dissemination, and examples of data use from a multi-topic survey dataset.
- Each module is designed to take around 90 minutes to complete; however, since it is entirely user-driven, students can pace the course at whatever speed they wish.
The course was tested and refined with the help of participants in two “live” courses led by experts from Sistemas Integrales. In English, in advance of a seminar with statisticians from the Americas and the Caribbean, and in Russian, during a course held at the Joint Vienna Institute for senior staff from regional statistical institutes across the Russian Federation.
Jose M de la Barra 412, piso 4
Postcode 6500446
Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
+562 2639 4554

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Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
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