Workshop on Impact Evaluation of Business Development Programs
Year: 2014
Country: Chile
Subject: Capacity Building & Training
Client: Inter-American Development Bank
Beginning in 2012, Sistemas Integrales and its partners delivered a series of workshops established to train public policy specialists in the theory and practice of impact evaluation, known as the International Workshops on Surveys and Impact Evaluation (EEiPP).
Initially oriented to public health and other social domains, the workshops began in Santiago in January 2012 with over one hundred participants from fourteen countries. Further workshops followed in Delhi, Berkeley and, again, Santiago.
In 2014, EEiPP incorporated the whole new element of evaluating the impact of business development programs, whose technical aspects differ from the household surveys typically associated with social policy impact evaluations.
For more details see Current training | Sistemas Integrales
Jose M de la Barra 412, piso 4
Postcode 6500446
Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
+562 2639 4554

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José M de la Barra 412, piso 4
Postcode 6500446
Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
+562 2639 4554

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