Impact Evaluation of the Agricultural Development Program PSSA
Year: 2019
Country: Peru
Subject: Living Conditions & Poverty / Agriculture
Client: International Fund for Agricultural Development
Sistemas Integrales executed a household survey for the impact assessment of the project “Strengthening Local Development in the Highlands and High Rainforest Areas Project (PSSA),†jointly financed by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Peruvian Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries (MINAGRI).
The survey interviewed 3,102 households, plus 295 community leaders and 166 producer groups across 297 communities in the Amazonas, Cajamarca, Lima and San MartÃn.
Questionnaires included detailed agricultural, livestock and fisheries modules, as well as other income-related topics such as employment and household enterprises.
The survey used the Survey Solutions application for computer-assisted personal interviewing (CAPI) and employed 35 interviewers over the course of six weeks.
Sistemas Integrales:
• adapted the instruments to the Peruvian context and translated them into Spanish
• reviewed the sample of control communities
• advised on the CAPI setup in Survey Solutions software
• conducted the pre-test, field test and interviewer training
• executed fieldwork, including managing a comprehensive quality control system.
Jose M de la Barra 412, piso 4
Postcode 6500446
Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
+562 2639 4554

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+562 2639 4554