Mario Navarrete
Mario is a Sistemas Integrales partner. He has for three decades contributed his expertise to the design and analysis of dozens of large-scale surveys in Africa, Latin America and the Caribbean, Europe and the Middle East.
Mario’s participation in these projects has included sampling, data quality assurance, questionnaire design and fieldwork organization, biomarker test implementation, design of systems for the dissemination of survey data, training of staff from counterpart organizations, planning and assessment of development programs, design and implementation of follow-up and assessment systems, and design and management of information systems.
In addition to training survey staff, Mario has lectured in Data Analysis at the University of Senghor, Alexandria, Egypt, and was co-author of the “Reference Guide for Survey Managers for the Survey Quality Assessment Framework (SQAF).
He has developed web-based systems to enhance the management of educational and health data, public access to cultural information, links between government ministries and financial services, and the administration of irrigation, among other applications
Mario lives in La Serena, Chile, and speaks Spanish and French.
Mario’s Projects
COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 2). 23 countries (2021)
International Migration in West Africa: Senegal and Gambia (2020)
Workshop for Designing and Implementing Phone Surveys. Statistical Offices (2020)
COVID-19 High-Frequency Phone Survey (Phase 1). 13 countries (2020)
Jamaica. Evaluation of the Sample Design of the Jamaica Survey of Living Conditions (2020)
Senegal and Gambia Migration Survey (2019)
Evaluating innovation and technological improvement (2017)
Impact evaluation of the Bono Vida Mejor program (2017)
Health Results-Based Financing Impact Evaluations (2016)
Data Quality Assurance in the Mesoamerica Health Initiative (2015)
International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Evaluation, 2014
International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Evaluation, 2012
Impact Evaluation: Un Techo para mi PaÃs
Africa Migration and Remittances Surveys
Angola: Early Grade Reading Assessment
Guatemala, Mexico, Colombia. Impact evaluation of “Spoon” project (2017)
Nicaragua. Impact evaluation of “PAISPAN†program of MEFCCA (2017)
Panama. Registry of Beneficiaries of Social Programs (2017)
Panama. Impact evaluation of “Programa de apoyo comunitario & NUTRIVIDAS” (2017)
Mexico. Impact evaluation of API program at CONAFE (2016)
Panama. Development and implementation of the “Social Protection Form” – FUPS (2016)
Bolivia. Quality assessment of annual household survey (2015)
Guatemala Living Condition Survey (2015)
Nicaragua National Survey Measurement of Poverty (2015)
Panama. Impact Evaluation of “Red de Oportunidades” (2015)
Peru. Impact Evaluation Workshop in Latin America (2015)
Ecuador Living Conditions Survey (2014)
Mexico. Survey evaluation of rural water system (2014)
Bolivia. Impact evaluation of the Child Development Centers program (2014)
Bolivia. Impact Evaluation of Early Childhood Development program (2014)
Chile. International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Evaluation (2013)
Honduras. Impact evaluation of “Bono 10000” program (2013)
Bolivia. “Bono Juana Azurduy & Desnutrición Cero†impact evaluation (2013)
Argentina. Plan Nacer Program impact evaluation (2012)
Niger Living Standards Survey and Agriculture (2012)
Rwanda. PBC project impact evaluation (2008)
Peru. Water Sanitation Program impact evaluation (2008)
Niger. Enquête Nationale sur les Budgets et la Consommation des Ménages (2008)
SQAF Reference Guide for Survey Managers (2007)
Ivory Coast. Information System for Ministry of Education (2004)
Peru SISVAN Project (1997)
Cameroon. Identification of population groups at nutritional risk and follow-up strategy (1997)
Chile. DISAL – Diagnostic of Health Situation (1993)
Portal on Impact Evaluation and Survey Methods
Ivory Coast School Survey (2000)
Jose M de la Barra 412, piso 4
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Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
+562 2639 4554
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Santiago, Chile
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