Workshop on Impact Eval. of Business Programs
Workshop on Impact Evaluation of Business Development Programs Year: 2014 Country: Chile Subject: Capacity Building & Training Client: Inter-American Development Bank Beginning in 2012, Sistemas Integrales and its partners delivered a series of workshops...
International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Eval.
International Workshop on Surveys and Impact Evaluation (EEiPP) Year: 2012 Country: Chile Subject: Capacity Building & Training Client: Inter-American Development Bank Sistemas Integrales played a leading role in a major collaborative initiative in 2012 to train...
LSD Data Entry Development Platform
LSD Data Entry Development Platform Year: 2018 Subject: Capacity Building & Training In the early 1990s, Sistemas Integrales designed a data-entry platform which proved greatly popular and was used in hundreds of household surveys around the world. Given the...