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Year: ?????
Country: ??????
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Although the Jordanian Department of Statistics (DOS) has carried out regular surveys on Household Income and Expenditure (HEIS) as of 1966, the Kingdom’s Ministry for Planning and International Cooperation and DOS, with the contribution of the World Bank and the cooperation of Sistemas Integrales Consulting (SIC) joined forces to revise and improve this year’s survey design and implementation in order to secure up to date information, obtain enhanced and more accurate data collection as well as a timely availability of results. Needless to say, changes in household income and spending, prices and employment and relevant variations in both internal as well as external migration made the objectives mentioned all the more necessary for government planning, in particular to provide public policies with reliable indicators to tackle poverty.
Sistemas Integrales close working relationship with DOS involved ways of improving the answer rate as well as the implementation of on-line oversight of digital registration of fieldwork data –Computer Benefit of Quality Control (CBQC)-, which allows for the screening of data for early inconsistencies and further facilitates earlier survey’s results. In addition, SI contributed to improve the household consumption survey in which the daily registration of consumption throughout long recall periods –as in previous surveys-, was superseded by memory household consumption of the seven days prior to the interview.
This year survey is being carried out by about 180 trained field personnel working on near 20.000 households. A two stage stratified cluster sampling technique was used. The survey also includes questions specifically design to cover Syrian immigrants. Results are expected to be available by mid 2018.
Jose M de la Barra 412, piso 4
Postcode 6500446
Santiago, Chile
+562 2638 1841
+562 2639 4554

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José Miguel de la Barra 412, piso 4
Postcode 6500446
Santiago, Chile
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