Suriname Survey of Living Conditions  II (SSLC) 2022

Year: 2022
Country: Suriname
Subject: Living Conditions
Client: Inter-American Development Bank

​The Suriname Survey of Living Conditions (SSLC) 2022 is an effort of the Inter-American Bank that follows up on the Suriname Survey of Living Conditions 2016/17. The SSLC 2022 will have visited about 2,500 households by the end of 2022, collecting data on the most critical dimensions of welfare to support evidence-based policy in areas such as education, health, housing, employment and poverty alleviation. The survey also gathers information on the Surinamese households’ consumption patterns, income and expenditures.

The SSLC 2022 was designed by Sistemas Integrales Consulting, and, like in its previous edition, it will remain in the field for 12 months to account for seasonal consumption patterns. It is conducted in person and includes a panel of households and individuals who responded to the SSLC 2016/17.

The SCLS 2022 includes several enhancements to its predecessor and cutting-edge survey implementation features:

  1. Larger sample size to obtain more precise estimates
  2. Panel component of households and individuals
  3. A module on Information and Communications Technology (ICT)
  4. Questions about the impact of COVID-19 on diverse dimensions, such as education, labor, ICT, etc.
  5. Implementation of Computer Assisted Personal Interviewing (CAPI) using TELSIA (Telephone Survey Integrated Application), an all-in-one application for phone surveys using tablets or cell phones, developed by Sistemas Integrales Consulting
  6. Use of satellite imagery and GIS for listing and sampling in villages located in the interior (forest region)
  7. Use of GPS features to help identify sample households in the field and to track field workers
  8. Registration of non-food consumption amounts via automated voice recognition
  9. Fieldwork supervision through audio recording of randomly selected questions in 100% interviews

The anonymized data is planned to be publicly available by January 2023 on the IDB website.


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